Thursday, May 04, 2017

Virtual Microbes 2017, Biomedical Team

Hi guys! Today I would like to share something about Virtual Microbes. 

Virtual Microbes is basically the main assignment for this semester - like for the whole semester. This assignment involves participation from other local universities as well, such as UM, UKM, UiTM, UPNM. All students from first year, second year and third year are involved. Why third year students are given "biomedical" name? It is because we are taking medical-like subjects which are Immunology, Microbial Genetics and Pathogenic Microbes. So it's biomedical team :)

Same like the previous VM (last semester) with UKM students, this assignment requires students to be productive and participative to submit the final products. At the end of the semester, each groups need to submit the reflective journal, discussion video and the most important part is --------- LITERATURE REVIEW!

We use various medium for discussion such as Open Learning,, Popplet and Padlet. Throughout the semester, we gather and share any materials that we found about our microbe, and in my case we decided to choose Salmonella as our microbe. Everything about Salmonella should be extracted from research journals and make them into a literature review. 

Since we, UPM students, have done the literature review back then so it is not so hard for us because we know how is the format and how it looks like. Dr. Wan already explained to us about dos and don'ts. I think the main problem now is the difficulty in finding correct articles and the difficulty to understand the content - since some articles/journal use very advance and bombastic terms.

Overall, VM is good. We could meet new friends and collaborate with them to complete the tasks. I also learned a lot because we have to make everything by our own, time management is extremely important.

But honestly, attitude is important too. Try to enhance your teamwork. If you want to 'lepas tangan' to everything, I believe that you couldn't survive in your future.