Thursday, May 04, 2017

Virtual Microbes 2017, Biomedical Team

Hi guys! Today I would like to share something about Virtual Microbes. 

Virtual Microbes is basically the main assignment for this semester - like for the whole semester. This assignment involves participation from other local universities as well, such as UM, UKM, UiTM, UPNM. All students from first year, second year and third year are involved. Why third year students are given "biomedical" name? It is because we are taking medical-like subjects which are Immunology, Microbial Genetics and Pathogenic Microbes. So it's biomedical team :)

Same like the previous VM (last semester) with UKM students, this assignment requires students to be productive and participative to submit the final products. At the end of the semester, each groups need to submit the reflective journal, discussion video and the most important part is --------- LITERATURE REVIEW!

We use various medium for discussion such as Open Learning,, Popplet and Padlet. Throughout the semester, we gather and share any materials that we found about our microbe, and in my case we decided to choose Salmonella as our microbe. Everything about Salmonella should be extracted from research journals and make them into a literature review. 

Since we, UPM students, have done the literature review back then so it is not so hard for us because we know how is the format and how it looks like. Dr. Wan already explained to us about dos and don'ts. I think the main problem now is the difficulty in finding correct articles and the difficulty to understand the content - since some articles/journal use very advance and bombastic terms.

Overall, VM is good. We could meet new friends and collaborate with them to complete the tasks. I also learned a lot because we have to make everything by our own, time management is extremely important.

But honestly, attitude is important too. Try to enhance your teamwork. If you want to 'lepas tangan' to everything, I believe that you couldn't survive in your future. 

Monday, November 14, 2016


Hi everyone.

Haven't post anything for months I guess, and I miss writing (like writing my own diary about what happened for each classes huhu)

Online Meeting

So lets start, we have an assignment called Virtual Microbes & it is a collaboration between UPM and UKM microbiology students. We have been divided into several groups for this assignment. We need to examine a case study and determine which virus contributes to that symptoms. After 2 progress reports, we need to come out with the final products which are the infographic and montage video about that particular virus. This assignment is mainly about VIRUS. Slightly different from what I have to struggle with from the first year. 

The overview of Norovirus (google)
 Thankfully, we have done all the online meetings & progress reports. The infographic is nearly done and the montage video is about halfway to go. 

Our first progress report

This entry would be my reflective journal, I will share what I feel and the struggle(s).

At first, I feel excited to do this task because I know I will be making new friends from UKM. Who doesn't like meeting new people? Huhu. And my group members are all nice and friendly! They are very cooperative and understand each other since we have different schedule. When we missed the 3rd deadline due to the tests, they don't ever hesitate to make the online meeting at 12am! Because I know some people would just, pufff! missing in action. They are so nice, glad to know them.

Dr. Wan also very helpful. She guides us about every little things even those are supposed to be done by our own. I know most people would say, "each university students should do everything by your own because you are no longer a primary/secondary student" but Dr. Wan always, like 24/7, willingly helping us. Dr. Wan even whatsapp us during midnight to keep us on track. If you are reading this Dr. Wan, thank you so much for all the guidance you have given to us, and we are very sorry if we ever troubling you during your weekends :( Thank you so much Dr!

And of course, for the nonsense rumours about third year students that I heard, I feel disappointed. I cannot understand how they could say all bad things about us. I hope it's not true.

In a nutshell, this assignment is very good and I'm able to learn many things from UKM students and we could teach them on how using the online apps. Critical thinking, effective time management, leadership and friendship are the most valuable things I learned from this assignment. Maybe I couldn't get any chance to experience all this when I stepped into working place.

Sometimes I think this assignment affect my time with my family, but, there are tons of benefits if I look from the positive side. Get rid of all negative thoughts- 

That's all for this time.

It feels weirdly nice to write again after so long. Take care of yourself and enjoy every second of your life. Cheers!

Sunday, December 06, 2015


Hello people! 

Today, I would like to share about the Awesome Microbes Carnival.

Before the event started, we have to settle down a few things, like the poster, the script of the content that we will present to the judges, the 3D model of our endospores and also the video related to our organelles (AURASMA is damn cool!)

We divide the tasks equally to each member in our group. The poster, video and 3D model are successfully prepared, yeayy!

These are the moment where we have to make an augmented reality video~

Everything is done! Lets rock!!

ITS THE DAY--------

Although we are so busy, and we have to go to our poster & entertain the people that come to the games site, its so tiring and a lot of running hahaha but we managed to give our best! 

Thank you to Dr. Su and Dr. Amalia for the assessement. We will find out the answer for the questions that we could not answer on that day. Hehe

I have to handle the Memory Game. Find a pair of picture of a microbe within 30 seconds to get a gift! The game was so fun! All the primary school students are so enjoy and some of them played for more than 3 times. The university and secondary school students are enjoyed too, having fun with their friends while testing their memory skills. 

The button badge for the crew! We can see the single colony~

Tunnel of the Golden Years

A lot of people love to take a picture here!

Our 3D models are amazing and unique

One of the games area

Cupcakes made by Dr. Hidayah. So cute!

Exhibition area

Us with the kids enjoying the memory game!

Streak your own plates! Its free!

See all the microbes by your own, its real!

The scientists that have won the nobel price for their findings about microbes and diseases

My culture plates with bacteria and virus

Its time for selfie~ !

Thank you guys for coming to our event!

My lovely group members

Selfie when you have free time ;)

Second year Microbiology students

My babies (brace yourself, we have 2 exams at the night after the carnival)

Our special and only one mummy, Dr. Wan Zuhainis ^,^

Smileeee~ !
Every event has their own problems and conflict, isn't? But I believe there must be a reason, so don't keep that in your heart, just do your best. Everything will be okay :)

I hope we can organize this event again in future hihi. Thank you so much for all your help Dr. Wan! Hehe.

 That's all from me for today, have a nice day readers! Xoxo